Clown Question


Reefing newb
Does anyone's clown ALWAYS attack them?!

I have a 4 1/2 year old Perculla (sp?) clown that I origionally got for my dorm room in college for my nano cube- then about a year later I set up a 46 gal and he has called it home ever since. WELL whenever I try to do a water change/clean/grab anything in the tank he will immediately come attack my arm. He has drawn blood a couple of times! One of the last times I just got so mad I scooped him up and popped him in a tupperware container to chill for like 10 min while I rearranged corals! Now we just have both of us for a water change- one person to clean while the other holds in a net to deter him from nipping.

Anyone else have a problem like this? How did you fix it/ deal with it? It is if you put your hand in ANYWHERE, not any spicific area at all :shock: God he is such a weirdo! But he is beautiful and the prettiest color orange I have ever seen so there is no way I would ever get rid of him! :)
Wow, nevermind I guess someone else asked this not too long ago haha- oops!

But what about when the lights go out and he leaves and hangs out at the top corner just swimmin- any particular reason for that?
He's on the hunt. Waiting for you to come near the tank and put your hand in. He wants you to think he's sleeping, but he's really not. Once they taste human flesh, they can never go back to mysis!! :D

Really, he's swimming in one spot because that's what he has claimed as his territory, and that's where he sleeps. Clowns will claim weird territories -- some people's clowns won't leave the heater, some won't leave a powerhead. Yours picked a corner.
You're not alone! My clown did that to me as well, same stuff. I used a spaghetti spoon, black, he stayed away from that. But he nipped me, well, more like chewed me one time. Evil clown. He's in clown heaven now.
I have a pair of Maroon Clownfish that are perfect angels. I don't understand all this bad press about these fishies. :(

Of my two tomato clowns, my little male is timid and swims away from me. My giant fat female will go after me if I put my hands in the tank. But that's why I was made with two hands, right? One to do work on the tank, and the other to fend off Clowny with the wooden spoon.
dang I guess I need to start a club on this forum "clowns are evil" I dont have one never have had one and from all the bad things I read about them will never have one. Nothing in my house that draws my blood has a second chance to do it. If the fridge bites me I will get a new fridge. I dont care what it is If anything hurts me I hurt back. That fish would be on display at the LFS if I didnt kill it first.
I had a couple that was like that.I think they me still be in the freezer at home.:mrgreen: That was a couple of years ago.
Put em there to chill for a minute and kinda forgot about em.:shock:

Not really:D But you get the picture
My male clarkii used to nip me and the female would nip corals, so I got rid of the both of them for some store credit.
I have a true perc that actually lets me pet him's pretty cool actually; my yellow tang won't let me pet him with my hand but he likes to be pet by my tank-grabber-stick (whatever they're actually called :lol: ).

The clown also likes to sleep in a corner, top rear left corner, in the verticale position...sometimes facing up, sometimes down :12: ...clowns are weird :lol:
My clown would do that also. I would just bat at it with my hand. I figured my hand would do more damage to that silly little fish than it could do to my hand!! It eventually learned its lesson
See, my perc clown is a total douche. When he was the only clown in the tank, he would never host in the anemone at all...AT ALL. He hated it and wanted nothing to do with it. He would stay on the other side of the tank most of the time actually and just bite you if you put your hand in no matter where it was. So while I was away my mom decided this one fish she found was 'cute' and without telling me she put at clarkii in there. Of course that thing was all over the anemone and then I think he realized, 'hey I can do that too' and ever since he just boots him out of there and sits in there. He is mean lol. And the sleeping thing, it freaks me out because its always in a corner and he flops around all night like he is on the verge of death lol- flip the lights on and he will immediately shoot back down like "WHAT!? I wasn't doing anything.." haha

and I remember the poltergist (sp?) clown!! OMG that thing gave my sister nightmares forever!
i say its normal ive been bitten by my clowns more than my eel, and hes pretty territorial. one of my clowns claimed part of my overflow too. all night he sits up there and swims sideways till morning. lol