Clowns worked it out


Reefing newb
My ocellaris clowns were friends for over six months, then all of a sudden the female went crazy with rage and beat the male to within an inch of his life. It was so bad that I tried on 4 occasions to catch one of them to return it to the LFS. I'm bad at fishing. All I managed to do was to wreak havoc on my tank, I even killed a zoa poloyp.

But just as suddenly as it started, it stopped. For the past 3 days they seem to be friends again! However the male is beat up pretty bad, he is missing tissue on some fins, has lost color and his mouth looks real ragged.

Is there anything you guys suggest I do to help his recovery? (assuming they don't start fighting again)

Fish are quite odd, with how they can suddenly become aggressive, and then stop as if it never happened. As others said a weekly water change of 25% should suffice. To get his coloration back, try feeding nutrient rich foods, such as pacific krill - with moderation of course.