Color lights, corals


Lets move to Basketball..
So I have a unit with 3 14K 250w MH lights, 4 96 actinic, and 8 blue leds. The actinic, makes the corals color better, they wash out a bit under the MH, but with just the LED's on some of the corals really pop. Problem is wher the leds are placed and that there are only 8 of them.

My question is, are there better bulbs I could put in there to make the colors of my corals come out better all the time?

Thank you! The lighting stuff kinda confuses me.
You could try higher K values of the MH bulb.

Also there are two wave lengths that are generally considered actinic, 420nm and 460nm. I believe that the 420s since they are a shorter wavelength are closer to the ultraviolet and would make the colors pop.