

Reefing newb
whats up all iv been readin the last 2 nites bout i think my damsal my have ich n mayb my hippo the hippo has one little white dot on it n the damsals fines r looking bad mayb rot also all have been eatin n have not seen them ruben up on rocks any way what is this copper stuff everyone its talkin bout im goin to try the garlic n c qt not a option do believe its to much stress n will kill them by its self
Copper can not be added to your main display, you need to have a hospital tank set up if you feel you need to treat with this.

Garlic and vitamins are a preventative measure that will help boost your fishes immune system, to help them fight off diseases.

What is your water testing?
Temp am and pm?
how many fish do you have? what kinds?
when did you add these fish? and did you quarintine first?
all of this will play a part in the stress levels of your fish.
alright is it possibal it was something else cause it had the spots on him for only two days n i kno they r supose to b there for a week or so befor they drop
The spots will fade and become bigger. Sometimes they appear to have a 24-hour cycle (when you turn the lights on in the morning you don't see any spots, but when you turn the lights off, they do have spots). So that's not abnormal.
I would feed garlic and vitamins always this will help the health of your fish. If you tank is stable and healthy it is very possible that you fish will come and go with ich. I have fish in my 850 that still show signs on occasion of ich. think of the common cold, I bet you get it sometimes.... but if you boost your immune system you tend to get over it rather quickly ;) As long as you keep your fishes environment healthy and stable you should be fine.