Coral for 12g


Reefing newb
Hello. I was just wondering how much coral can I put into my 12g aquapod? Is there no limit? Also, if I find a coral picture on the internet or find a type that I liked, could I ask the aquariums around me to order a specific type? Another thing, does anyone know what kind of coral usually has bright colors? Thanks for the help.
With the lighting on the aquapod your pretty much going to do well with softies and some types of LPS. You can put in anything you want really... I would stay away from green star polyps and xenia, as they will spread very quickly in your 12g.

You could take a look at some bubble coral,clove polyps, frogspawn... all pretty nice colors.
The only limits are space and lighting. Like others have said, your lighting is fine for soft corals and LPS. Some corals can't touch each other, so as long as your corals are spaced apart, you should be okay.

Just start slow. Make sure one coral is doing okay before adding more.
I agree with most of the comments. The xenia, although pretty cool, do split and spread. the kenya tree breaks off and forms new colonies as well. I constantly have to sell back to my LFS xenia. Hairy mushrooms are great for the 12g nano. Hammer, frogspawn are great too (they can sting other corals though). I also have some torch or candy-cane coral in mine; those things grow pretty quickly in my tank. I fragged my torch coral and now I have two stalks with 5 torch's each. A firefish and a small goby add a nice touch to my nano tank also. Although, my first goby was a tiny yellow goby and, believe it or not, my hairy mushroom ate it. Now I have a citron goby in there and he is fine. I change two gallons out each saturday and my tank parameters are great. I feed a very small amount of mysis each night to the fish and sometimes to the coral also. It is very easy to maintain.

But, as everyone else stated, you must do research. I've been doing saltwater for 8 or 9 years and I still read a lot and learn a lot....especially from this site. Some folks here dont have more than a year of experience but they are still very knowledgeable about saltwater aquaria. We all learn from each others posts.