Darko's 35 gallon build

Cerinth snails are great algae eaters, one of the few that you will see a clean trail behind their eating.
Astraea, turbo, nassarius, cerith, trochus, and bumblebee snails are all good. Stay away from margarita snails. You should get a star fish (stick with either brittle or serpent stars). One or two emerald crabs also.
looking great !! Good job, One suggerstion would be to replace the HOB filter which looks like an emperor with a HOB skimmer.
looking great !! Good job, One suggerstion would be to replace the HOB filter which looks like an emperor with a HOB skimmer.

Yes, I want to upgrade the filter soon. I am just not sure with what yet, I really want a refugium too so I am thinking about getting one of the all in one sump/refugium. I promissed my girlfriend that I would wait until my b-day next month before I got anything big so hopefully that is a hint. I have seen the DIY refugium kits on e-bay for like $20, I already have a small tank not being used and I have seen some good designes of ones in the DIY fourms. I just need to figure out if I can really DIY or if I will buy one.
You'll come out a lot cheaper by DIYing a fuge.You dont even need those kits.Just a tube of silicone,some acrylic or glass for a couple of baffles and your set.
OK so now I am rethinking things. My GF is getting me a new stand she says mine is ugly (I agree) that is happening this weekend she got one free with a tank that she is getting for her daughter for a bearded dragon. With the stand I am going to build a sump/refugium but its only going to be 20gallons and to quote many people on here its better then nothing! so that will bring my total water up to 55gallons. Because of the limited space in the stand I am not going to be able to have a big skimmer so I am going to have start shopping for a shorter skimmer. I met up with a reefer that lives down the road and he sent me home with a few things, Cheato with a few tiny sea stars (I put in the tank), I have it hanging out in my new water bucket until I get the refugium going hopefully in the next week once I get the tank moved. He also gave me some Kent turbo calcium because mine has been nonexistent. I went over there to look at what he has and what all he does and adds to his tank, I am going back in a few weeks when he makes some more frags that is something one day I want to try and watching someone one do it is way better then reading a book, even though I have already read a ton on the subject. My GF did get me 2 emerald crabs to try to help with the algae. LFS said that they should be fine, with going in?? We will see. The LFS still has not got there inventory up since our bad weather so I am still waiting for the whole cleaning crew. LFS said they got the load and it was a big ice cube!!! Yikes!!



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Sounds like your on the right track with researching.And once you start adding corals,you see that a lot times,fragging is as easy as accidently knocking a prized coral off the rock:D
Those emeralds should be a big help with the algae too.
Ok so its been a while but I didn't want to ignore the first advice I got on here, not to post without pictures. Thanks D2mini!

My tank got some algae but I finally got some Astraea Snails, its pretty cleared up now I also have been keeping the lights off. This brings me to my first question. I have a rain check for red legged hermit crabs, some people have told me to stay away? crabs yes? no?

Once the snails got that cleaned up I got tired of looking at an empty tank. So this guy came up on a local forum and I got him! This guy is cool and fast! He dose not like to have is picture taken!

I also changed the rocks up a little bit.

I have not got a tank to start building my sump, I have been looking on CL and thought I had one, but it was a turtle tank, and ya it didn't leave enough room. So still searching. My b-day is coming up so I can't buy anything but I found a few local guys who are setting me up with a few frags, I am not sure what all yet. I am picking them up this weekend. :D
Its really up to you on the hermits.About the only down side to em,is sometimes they'll snails for the shell.
Thats a good looking 6 line too.