dirty sand bed

Wow RC, Didn't hear from you for days. I think you made up for it in your last post! Great info though, Thanks! Glad to hear from you too.
Not really a "science"

Just tired of algae. I really don't know if I'm doing the right thing or not. I'm just doing what "feels" like the right thing to do and it seams to be working.

I am starving snails and crabs. I'm not sure if thats the right thing to do. Some would say it's cruel and I should capture them and return them to the LFS. My attitude (poor as it may be) is ------- cleaning crews brutalize and murder each other anyway. They are an expendable necessity in my tank. I need a few of them. But I don't need to over feed my tank enough to support the 30 odd snails and 15 or so hermit crabs that were in the tank when I first started. If I can get it down to a smaller number that is efficient at actually doing the intended job without being so overfed that they pass over the "salad" then I will be happy. I want just enough cleaning crew to do the intended job. Not enough that I have to FEED them. They will find a happy medium at some point. I'm going to continue feeding as I have been for the last few months. The crab and snail population will level off at some point and I may end up with only 2 or 3 of each.

My tank is still nothing to take pictures of. But maybe some day if I don't completely screw it up I can be proud enough to post some FTS.


I'm just experimenting. My idea of low nutrient levels could backfire on me. Only time will tell.
"Starving snails and crabs"....

Rc it looks like I'm going to have to report you to P.E.T.C.
May be even to the Founder!!!:helm2::helm2::helm2::fechten2: