Do I need the filter?


Reefing newb
I have a marineland dual-bio wheel filter in my 30 gallon tank right now, I have a few corals and about 30lbs of live rock. I have taken out the bio wheels months ago since I heard they were nitrate factories. The only thing the filter has in it is two cartridges filled with reef rubble and crushed coral- the same stuff on the bottom of my tank. Question is, do I need this filter at all? Since it does take up lots of room and kinda noisy.... I have a powerhead and HOB protien skimmer.. Or should I keep it to maintain good water flow...
I would get rid of it and replace it with a powerhead.

You should also consider getting rid of the crushed coral, that also becomes a major crap trap and causes major water quality issues.
Why do you again need a filter if you have a power head and protein skimmer. They work well and you can replace them with your noisy filter and no need of using as it occupies lots of space.