Drill All at Once?


Reefing newb
Hi All!

First I’d like to say thanks to everyone that posts here, I’m a newbie and I have learned a TON just by reading here and a few other sites. It’s great to be able to learn from others mistakes.

I’m starting a new 95 Gal tank and I want to drill it out first. I have done a tone of research and I'm comfortable with the process, however I still have a couple questions that I need clarification.

I’m planning on putting a 20gal sump underneath and want to prepare for a possible close loop system in the future.

I plan on putting two holes in each corner at the top in the back to feed the sump.
1) What is the best location to put the return? Center top?
2) For a close loop system, I thought I’d have one out and 2 or 3 returns, but where is the best place to locate these? Also, (I know this is a dumb one), but how do you prevent critters from being sucked up in the close loop system?

I tried to find the answers fist, however I was unable to find anything really specific. If an existing posting already exists, just point me in the right direction.

Thanks much
I hat. Good luck with your tank drilling.
Dumb questions, but I'm sure you made sure your tank isn't tempered, correct?

Anyway, your overflow holes can be cut in the corners if you like, it keeps them out of the way.

Your return can be anywhere. If you put it in the middle, you cam plumb pvc to output wherever you like in the tank.

Read a lot about the closed loop before you make a decision. I was going to build one, but after some of the stories I've heard from users of this system, I decided against.

A good source, if you haven't been already, is : http://www.glass-holes.com

Good luck!
First off,welcome to the site.
Messiahs pretty well got you covered.
But I too would avoid the closed loop.Mainly because it limits your flow options.Its easier to use several powerheads for the flow,because you have the option of putting them where the flows needed.And with a little thought,you can hide the powerheads just as easy as the closed loop returns.
Welcome to the site :D

You can get a strainer to screw into your closed loop intake bulkhead to help keep the critters out. I got my strainer, bulkheads, and holes saws from glassholes.

Kinda up to you where you drill your holes for the CL. Just try to visualize how your going to have your tank aquascaped and plan for having returns in places to create flow around your reef.
Thanks Everyone!
The tank is Glass and I'm 90% sure it not tempered (guess I'll fine our for sure!) One last question. . . is there a chart for flow rates for different size holes. I know I seen it once, but I can't seem to find it now.

Thanks again!
There is a drain calculator on RC. I've seen another one somewhere listing the rates for each hole size but I can't find it.