

why are these so expensive? what is so special about this coral? is it an anemone? softies? or LPS? please someone kindly educate me a bit about this coral. TIA.
AKA whisker coral. I believe they are LPS. Very rare, come from Australia. Never actually seen one myself, and they are even very hard to find for sale online. I have no idea why they are so special (besides their rarity). In fact, I googled it to get more information, and I can hardly find anything on the web about them, even.
Jhnrb can probably explain better.

Its so expensive is because it comes from Australia and that its a restricted species which makes them difficult to come by.I hate using the nickname ''whisker coral'' because other people call Dentros whisker corals but they are more like sun corals since they are non-photosynthetic.Duncans are similar to Aussie Elegances which are much more hardy than other elegance.I've researching some rarer corals and Aussie elegance and Duncans will someday be a part of my collection.