Erin's 150

"Maybe later we could top off your tank......" Sorry. Sometimes I amuse myself immensely...... Seriously, sorry to hear about the tank. I would say sorry for the divvy too, but you said you were ok with that. I know you're bummed about the tank though.
Just remember that if the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, it's probably been fertilized with a whole lot of bull$#!%.....

I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to tell me here...
I haven't been this happy in years and that's what matters to me.
Mostly that was my attempt at humor. If it makes you happy, hon, go for it! Time to cut slingload and move on. Still sucks about the tank though. Do you think the apartment will let you do a smaller salty in addition to the freshie setup? Or are you just going fresh for now?
The apartment will be none the wiser. I'm on the first floor and I asked about tanks when I moved in. They don't seem to care much.

I need money to go salty. I'm sure eventually it'll happen, but I'll be happy to have something wet in the meantime.