feather sea star


I was at my LFS today and saw this really cool what looked like a soft coral. It was really red with some yellow inside . It looked like a flower of some sort. The LFS person said it was a feather sea star. She moved it around with her hand and it sort of floated around for a minute.

Do any of you know this type of sea star and is it ok for a reef tank? It was so beautiful
This is a clipping from an article found by a Google search:

"They are one of the most difficult animals to keep with long-term success. Only experienced hobbyists willing to provide for their demanding needs should attempt keeping them. Even so, success is not guaranteed so most hobbyists should not try to keep them and they should only rarely be imported."
Thank You. I also just looked the feathered sea star up on Liveaquaria and it did say that it doesn't survive in most aquariums because they don't get the nutritiion they need that the oceans reefs can give them.
Im glad I asked here first. It certainly is a beautiful star.
Feather Stars are HANDS DOWN the prettiest animals you could ever have in a reef tank.
BUT, they are one of those animals that should be left in the ocean.