feeding blonde naso tang


Reef enthusiast
How much should he get fed? I gave him a hunk of algae on a clip, he destroyed it instantly. What else should I be giving him besides algae sheets?
He'll probably take some mysis and krill too.Along with what he gets from the rock.He should be fine.
Same stuff you feed your other fish. Mysis, krill, and especially Emerald Entree. The algae sheets should be the main portion of his diet, but other mixed and meaty foods are good for him too.
I feel like that once marine cuisine or emerald entree are dissolved in salt water and then turkey blasted slowly in the tank that the fish get the large pieces, but a lot of the small particles just get thrown all over my tank and would greatly add to my algae problem. Am I wrong about this? I have just been using mysis lately because I can actually see the shrimp pieces being eaten.
You forget that that fish aint the only things in our tanks that like to eat.The pods and smaller critters that lives in the rock will usually take care of any left overs pretty quick.
I have found that with marine cuisine and emerald entree, if I throw in a cube frozen, there is less wasted in the water column. The fish attack it and simply demolish it before it really can thaw.

ok, so how much quantity though. Hes about 5" long. Today, I threw one whole cube of mysis for him and 4 chromis, there wasn't anything left over. Then I gave him a 2inch square chunk of algae, and he devoured that too....now hes cruising and keeps going back to the clip
Tangs are eatting machines.But the more they eat,the more they:pooh: The more they :pooh: the more they foul the water.
Its one of those catch 22 deals.