Feeding Question?


Reefing newb
Hello! I have a Panther Grouper, a Sail Fin Tang, a Pink Spot Goby, and a Bursa Trigger. I have been feeding freeze dried krill every 2-3 days for the grouper and the trigger and frozen srimp and brine for the other guys. I was wondering the there was anything else the I could or if I should feed to give them a varitety of food. Any suggestions??:confused:
You can give them pretty much anything in the seafood section of your market. The triggers I used to have loved the cockels I would throw in there. My wrasse and clown I have now love the meat, but wont pick it out of the shell like triggers will.

Brine doesnt have much nutritional value unless its enriched with spirrila(sp).
Careful... not anything at the supermarket.... Seafood section.. :)

I would rinse it, just because. Dont have to soak it in anything, but you can soak it in garlic... just cause it's good for em.
thanks I need to do it now while I have a cold and cant breath anything that you recommend for them that they would like the best?
A small clam.
Avoid any type of fish. Your best bet is to head to the grocery store and buy stuff like shrimp, clams, oysters, mussels and scallops. Scallops are great, because you can get bags of them in the frozen section, so "freshness" isn't an issue.