Feeding Schedule


Reefing newb
I wanted to get some opinions regarding how long a fish can survive with out food and how much should be fed on a daily basis?

I currently have:

2 clowns (they eat both frozen brine shrimp and Omega pellets)
2 clowns (only eat frozen brine)
1 wrasse (only eats frozen brine)
1 YT damsel (eats both pellets and brine shrimp)
1 Goby (eats both pellets and brine shrimp)

CUC (what ever the can find)

Currently i feed them half a cube twice a day...and around 10-12 pellets which are all eaten solely by the two clowns.

is this too little? too much? or just about right?

should everything in the tank be turned off for feeding time or just the skimmer?

That's fine, but the brine shrimp have no nutrition. Try my sis shrimp and a couple good mixtures like Formula One, Marine Cuisine and Rod's.
also interested in feeding...could you do every other day or just stick to a small portion every day

I feed Rods food original and Rods herbivore to my tank once a day

I have:
Magnificent FoxFace
2 Percula clowns
2 Chromis
1 Orange spotted Goby
1 Firefish

not trying to hijack just interested same as bangbangkhan
also interested in feeding...could you do every other day or just stick to a small portion every day

I feed Rods food original and Rods herbivore to my tank once a day

I have:
Magnificent FoxFace
2 Percula clowns
2 Chromis
1 Orange spotted Goby
1 Firefish

not trying to hijack just interested same as bangbangkhan

I only fed the fish once yesterday and they were more active...I want to also see what whould happen if I don't feed once in a couple of days.
I wanted to get some opinions regarding how long a fish can survive with out food and how much should be fed on a daily basis?

I currently have:

2 clowns (they eat both frozen brine shrimp and Omega pellets)
2 clowns (only eat frozen brine)
1 wrasse (only eats frozen brine)
1 YT damsel (eats both pellets and brine shrimp)
1 Goby (eats both pellets and brine shrimp)

CUC (what ever the can find)

Currently i feed them half a cube twice a day...and around 10-12 pellets which are all eaten solely by the two clowns.

is this too little? too much? or just about right?

should everything in the tank be turned off for feeding time or just the skimmer?


That is a ton of food. Cut out the pellets and get a bigger variety of frozen food. A quarter of a cube once a day would be more than sufficient.
Smaller and more frequent feedings are generally agreed to be better. If you talk to a dietician, they often suggest 5-7 small meals and snacks through the day. Same thing for fish (Anthias, specifically), but obviously (Anthias aside) most fish do best with small, daily feedings.

As for food variety, my rotation (starting Monday) is mysis, emerald entree/Formula Two, Lifeline carnivore blend, Marine Cuisine, Formula One and Mysis again. Sunday is cleaning day. That works great for me, but there are other good foods out there and there is more than one way to feed. And keep in mind thats a rotation for my clowns; for herbivorous fish, one would use more algal based blends and varieties.