Fighting conch

I've had this bad boy for about a month now and he really kicks some butt. He turns over alot of substrate and eats alot of crap. Mos def my fav snail. Anyone else have one? Lets see some pictures!. They have a funny mouth and eyes :mrgreen:

Here's mine, I think I've had him for about 3 months now. I really like the shell on yours Dana.


Sweet pictures Brian. Lol at his eyes in the second pic....i like when they burry themselves and all u can see is eyeballs poking out...i gotta get a pic of it..

Do you like yours? I mean whats your experiance in watching these guys?

Have you seen him eat and weird algae? Mine doesnt eat cyano but it went through the area with it and stirred it up enough to where its gone now.
I definitely like him, he really enjoys bulldozing my frags on the sandbed though :frustrat:
So far, I don't actually see mine all that much. He's got a spot on the side of my rockwork that he really likes to hide out behind, he'll spend a couple weeks at a time back there. Since I've had him he's only come out twice from there actually and he's only buried himself once. Normally he just hangs out on top of the sand. Mine so far seems to prefer the film algae that grows on my glass.
I love mine, he cruises all around the tank taking care of the sandbed. Like BL1 though, mine will sometimes find a spot and stay there for several days. There were a few times that I thought it had died, only to see it had decided to start moving around again
I actually have four but they all buried themselves after the first week and I have not seent ehm in almost three weeks now! I hope they are still alive!!!! Wished mine would be on top of the substrate more like the first few days I had them.
Ina 300g id guess you would lose alot of things lol. Mine goes between burring himself then all day on the top of the substrate.
Here's mine. I agree that they're much more interesting than your average snail...

Hi eyes...


And a couple FSS:

