Fire Shrimp Diet


Reefing newb
I just got a fire shrimp yesterday and it's hiding in the rocks for now. I'm not worried about it but I want to make sure it gets enough food. When I feed my anemone / corals brine it doesn't come out yet so I squirt some in where he is hiding to make sure he gets food. Is there anything else I should do with him?
He will eat whatever your corals and fish miss. As he gets more brave, he should come out for feedings and grab food out of the water.

Mine eats anything and everything I throw in the tank. In fact it can get annoying how greedy of a pig he is.. rips food right out of corals mouths and punks my skunk and peppermint shrimps.
I have some left over squid that I was thinking about using. He comes right up to my eye dropper and eats right off the end of it...he is getting braver!