Firefish Hiding?

Well, when I could see him, no. And all levels are checking out fine. He was eating great the night before going into seclusion, and then *BAM* hiding and not eating! New things in the tank are sand inserted via PVC pipe and new koralia powerheads to replace my crappy old ones, neither of which seem to be bothering Lily or Onyx at all.
So you haven't seen him at all? Have you checked the floor around the tank, behind it, on your equipment, etc? When firefish disappear, it's usually because they jump. :(
I've searched everywhere twice a day since he started hiding, to no avail. Lily does keep going into the rocks and coming back out, kind of like she's checking on him, but I may be anthropomorphizing her regular behavior. But i'm still hoping!
Well as long as you don't have an ammonia spike then I guess its a sign he's still alive (if he's in there). Did you put live sand in the tank? If so, maybe that's got enough stuff in it to keep him eating while in hiding. Also, any chance he could be stuck in/under a rock and unable to get out?
Live sand wouldnt contain enough creatures to support any fish, and anything that might have been in there, is probably long dead. But there well could be enough pods and other small creature on the rocks that he is munching on.
Yeah I had the same problem with mine...I looked through all the rocks, squirted a couple bits of mysis near caves that he might've been, nada....then one day, 3 weeks later, he came out. Hope yours turns out the same way.