FireFish's Dorsal Fin Bitten off... Will It Come Back?


Reefing newb
So, I got my new firefish yesterday and there is only one pet store that has them in town and there were 7 or 8 of them in one tank so needless to say ALL of them were missing their beautiful long dorsal fins. Other than that they were all healthy and beatiful, not one sick fish, so I chose one anyway. There is still a small amount of dorsal fin left, will it grow back? I hear that it is a "bone" and I'm worried it won't come back. If it will come back, will it look the same or will it be all wongky, like when a gecko grows it's tail back? It's not a big deal, I'm not going to care for it less than my other fish or anything, I'm just wondering.
I don't remember, but It might have taken a few months, but I didn't really pay attention. One day it was just back :)