Fish from the oceans


Reefing newb
Hi to everyone I'm very new to SW aquarium last weekend I was on the beach and bring two little fishys and I'm keeping them on a small tank with the bio-filter setup, but sometime someone told me that I need to get the parasite off because they are taken directly from the ocean. So my question is what are the steps needed before adding fish bought at a petshop or add any new fish? What are the steps needed get of the parasite that they have? Thanks in advance.
Quarentine tank and run hypo salinity for a couple of weeks.
Just set up a hospital tank at the same salinity as your main tank and lower the salinity to about 1.019 slowly,over a period of about a week to week and half.then run it there for a couple of weeks before you start slowly bringing the salinity back up.
They might be fine, alot of the fish at LFS's come straight from the ocean anyway. Just quarenty them for a while to make sure they're ok. Do you see anything on them?
They have like 4 days on the small tank and I havent seen anything on them, they are just eating flakes and everythin fine. Besides any sugestion to prepare the the big tank for then?
They should be fine, because they're very hardy. They can get very aggressive though, so you might want to reconsider keeping them. I would just stick with qt for about a month then add them to the new tank. Good luck and keep us posted.
bobby tiene razon..las damiselas se ponen un poco agresivas..yo tengo en un nano tanque una solo son los primeros peces seguro no tendras problemas..el miedo es si tienes ya peces exoticos en un tanque ya establecido...donde se pueden contaminar..
no actualmente son los unicos que tengo, pero pues me interesa añadir mas luego al tanque, mas bien esos son mis primeros peces para empezar
dont worry fish bait!! son los primeros ok..son un poco territoriales, a veces pican a los otros peces por un rato a la vez que los vas incorporando al tanque...aqui hay articulos interesantisimos de como establecer una pecera..este hobby es emocionante..cualquier duda no vaciles en preguntarme, my email es [email protected], ademas checkeate este site..Amateur Packet Radio, net 44, and AMPR.ORG de aqui puerto rico.. ahi me veras como RIGO, ademas otros acuaristas a fuego..
es possible anadir peces del mar en su tanque. Tenga cuidado y pongalos en su tanque si salen bien de su QT tanque. En fin, todos los peces vienen del mismo lugar. Buena suerte

-Dr Marco :sfish:
claro que si. Hay mucho que puedo hacer que no digo a la hente, prefiero mantenerme como un misterio. La unica cosa es, no escribo tan bien. Ha sido muchos anos que he escrito. Disfrute in los fotos de tu tattoo, biff, te caiga bien, pero, tan flaca...

-Dr Marco :sfish:
thats great bif, and dr marco...somday ill go visit ..we will be able to comunicate great!!...hasta pronto amigos..y biff come un poquito de carne eso te ayudara a engordar!! hhehehe
glad you are feeling better. I understand the whole stress thing. Graduate school tends to do that to people. How much longer do you need to go til you are finished? Are you seeking a Ph. D. or a Psy. D.? Counseling, clinical, experiemental psychology or other? Always curious what other people are interested in studying.

-Dr Marco :sfish: