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Do Not Listen To Me!!!
Saw this at the Florida Aquarium in Tampa tonight. What is it? The on with the orange on it in the center not the blue in the upper left.

I also saw a lot of Blue Tangs and man they are really nice. If I ever go bigger I may get one if I can. Just really nice in person for sure. Well I mean if it is compatible I will get it. Just know 0 about it.

photo by Phastroh, on Flickr
Im not sure what type of wrasse that is, but your tank should be plenty big for a blue tang. Just make sure you dont have a Paracanthurus family tang in the tank already.
Booo that is a Wrasse. I have a 6 Line already. They have cards for everything but that fish.

On the other thing, I think I do. I have to check for sure but the Tangs are Naso, Hippo, Lieutenant and Yellow.

I thought the Hippo and Naso would maybe fight but still so far they hang. I did notice the Hippo chase the Coral Beauty a few times.
You'd have to do some more research (I'd start by messaging BL1, he keeps many wrasses) but there are many types of wrasses that can be mixed and matched.

And in a 220 I think a hippo would be fine
The Hippo is already in it. Was trying to see if a Blue would be on with the 4 I have when I move to another larger tank in the future.
I'd be willing to wager he's talking about the Atlantic Blue tang. It looks similar to a yellow tang but its blue. Saw tons of them on the reef in Jamaica while on my honeymoon
I will look for it but I think you are right. Sorry Little Fish I don't refer to a Tang by its color because I thought people would get the wrong information.

I figure you can't remember everyone's stock list heehah but we have discussed my tank many times so I figured you may remember I got the Hippo a long time ago.

Yeah it was kind of dark gray but the fins were dark blue but it's body had a patter almost like a clown tang but not as pronounced. Let me get a linky.
I just love it. It was so nice in person and they had a little differences. Some were darker in the middle. I figure they end op the same in the end.

I actually think I read they are very similar in behanvior as the Yellow can be. Territorial and all that.
Ya, I dont think he would mix very well with the yellow. And I couldnt remember if the hippo was one of the tangs you lost a while back, but Im glad to hear you still have him.