Fish recommendations needed

chiqui bb

Reefing newb
The 90 gal is set up and everyone from the 55 has been moved over, including sand, live rock and also added more base rock.

I have a regal tang, a blue damsel, a large green brittle star, an engineer goby and just added a neon dottyback. The tang and damsel get along fine, even swim and eat together. The damsel and goby chased the dottyback for the first 2 days but everyone is fine now.

I want to add more fish but not sure what. I like fish that school. I would also like some color other than blue, maybe red or orange.

Any suggestions? The link below shows a few full tank shots as it is now.
90 gal full tank shot pictures by mlcreno - Photobucket
You should check out anthias if you like shoaling fish. And if I were you I'd get rid of the star if it's already eaten fish on you.
Thanks Brian. I did look at anthias but wondered if the damsel would bully them. The damsel seems to be all bluff and after a day or two gives up. How many anthias would my tank support and should I add them all at the same time?

I really like the brittle star though! He's creepy looking but cool at the same time. I think he ate the yellow watchman goby because he just hung out at the bottom of the sand bed most of the time and he was small enough to fit in the star's mouth. I have been hand feeding the star big chunks lately and he hasn't bothered anyone else.
Anthia's would be a great choice.
And Brian's right about that green brittle.They're known as green death stars.As they grow,they learn to be extremely efficient predators of fish.They will actually flatten themselve againt the roof of the caves the fish sleep in.Then when a fish retires for the night,the star will drop down on them and basically digest the fish alive.