Flame Angel


Do Not Listen To Me!!!
Yeah so I got one. I have a Coral Beauty as well so I talk extensively with the guy at the store.

He used to own the Clowns I now have.

I was worried they would battle and we talked about it. At the end I decided to try it and he told me if there are any issue I can call him and he will see what he can do.

So as soon as it entered the tank the FLame went after the Coral Beauty. Then in 5 minutes it was the tank vet Coral Beauty doing the beat down.

It has been several hours and it has calmed doan and I haven't seen any fights since. I hope it stays this way. He said it is ok unless it is constant and/or I see fins damaged. Wow the Flame Angels are nice but a little pricy and have always been one of my faves.

I would take a pic but it's late and I am tired.

They had the smallest Red Shoulder Tang I have even seen. It was still light yellow only. It was so cute though.

He said the get a lot of the Tangs from Solomon or at least the Blue ones.
Well so far so good the Coral Beauty Angel and the Flame Angel are getting along swimmingly. Seriously they are cool as heck.

I noticed the Yellow Fin Damsel is not nearly as aggressive as prior to this fish. The Flame is a loner but can be seen hanging in the crowd though.

I don't know why but the Damsel is not the same since. Yeah he can be a douce at times but it was all the time he chased the other Damsel.

I have to say at first I was like Booooring with no fish although I was happy with the other sea life but no with my fish it is crazy. Like all those electric colors mingling around is amazing.

Big Orange Clowns
Blue Damsel
White and Yellow Damsel
Glowing Orange Flame Angel
Deep purple and yellow Coral Beauty Angel
Blue and yellow Hippo Tang just kidding but soo,

Like a spam rainbow or plethera of color. WOOT WOOR!!!

Oh yeah mixed with all the color of the corals and live rock and Cleaner Shrimp and Emerald Crabs and the multi-colored snail and hermit shells.

Look FAB!!!
Just added a flame to my tank last night. My coral beauty played bully for a while, but has now left him alone. Hope there are no more issues.
That is exactly the same as what happened with mine and so far it has been over a week with not one issue.

They swim near and past each other and don't even flinch.