flower pot corals


Reefing newb
I just purchased a flowerpot coral about 2 months ago and only opens up about 2 in. At most wen it was in the aquatic store it opens out 6 inches help please!!! Y is it taking so long for it to extend to its fullest all my othervcoral and annemones fishes r doing just fine except for him he has good lighting
Wellcome to the Forum !!

What lighting did it have at the LFS and what lighting do you have ?? Where are you placing it ? Flow ?
I have 2 350 kissell lights hangin to it and as far as flowi put a powr head in it for flow but evry time i turn it on it blows my anemones around and sometimes even dies from getting caught by powr . I am new to this so please help
Im not sur of what light thy used but i got it from maybe a 10 gallon cube tank. The only reason y i bought him was because how open he was but wen i bought him home he dnt want to come out but so far i tried movi.g him around .
Try moving to a shaded area and see if it comes out. So what Kinda flow do you have in the tank ???

If the lights in the LFS where not that strong and then you move it to strong lights it could be why its not out all the way.

What are you water parameters ??
Try dimming your lights and then slowly over the course of several days / weeks ramping them back up. Kessil's are pretty strong lights, and the coral could be in shock from a large increase in available light
Smitty. Honestly im just tryin diffrnt ways of doin it
. Im takin advice from diff pple i can always use more advice thx. Like i said im new to all of this including this site am i suppose to post my pic up too if so how do i so
All I remember is that Goniopora are pretty and damn hard to keep. Do you know what kind it is? Ill look for an article when I get home.
Aww!!! Thanks so much all i knw is tht its green nd in the stores its polyps extends.maybe 6 in. Thts wat made me want him because it does well in water flow swaying back nd forth looks really nice in the aquarium. But wen i brought him home its a different story. I shud hve dne my research before purchasing it tht was my stupidness. But since ive paid 75 as a beginner i want him to be sucessful. I also purchased a colt at the same time and hes doing great.
Yeah, go ahead and post a pic of it... most of us use photobucket.com to upload the pic to, and then copy and paste the img code unto the site here. I have a flower pot/gonipora coral also( for about 3-4 months) and mine don't open all the way neither. I think placing them in moderate flow and moderate lighting, and feeding them meaty foods twice a week will make it open more.
Credable, Justin. "New Era in Goniopora Husbandry." Coral & Reef 2012 Annual Premier Issue pp. 104-11. 2012. Print.

I think it may be G. minor based on quick skimming, but it is considered SPS thus needing high light and flow. It reccomends supplementing Fe and phytoplankton with direct feeding; starting with small amounts and increasing over time, making sure each polyp is fed directly. Make sure pumps are off for feeding and 15-20 minutes after. Thats all a species wide basic, Ill let you do more research, but that should give you a head start.

Good luck and happy reefing.
Yep I had a gonipora (flower pot greenish) andnow its a nice globe looking rock. We plan to frag zoos onto it later. Good luck.
Well. Mysis shrimp. Cyclopeeze. Phyto plankton. Anything small and meaty. You have to make sure that goni gets every polyp fed every day. Theyre not a beginner coral because they take time, dedication and discipline. Probably one of the most demanding coral as far as feeding. Anemonies get most of their food through photosynthesis, but they like meaty treats on occasion. Whatever will fit in its mouth is good. And that applies to a lot of lps, too, like favias and euphyllia.
Hi!!!! Again guys ok i h e tried evrythng.and my flowerpot coral stil is nt opening up so today i went out nd bought oysterfeast and illgive it awhile see how tht does . Consideringtht they have short life span this will probably be the only time i purchase one. Although they are beautiful corals . Thr just so difficult to care for or maybe its just me lol!!! But all my other corals and anemonesr doing just great. Imma try to repost a pic up here and see wat ur guys opinions are. Thnk u!!!