gbta 911


Reefing newb
hi evreyone!! im in dire need of bubble tip appears to be disintagrating.......hes been on the move for a few days and i think he crawled across the heater because his foot is looking really bad,almost looks like it was cooked, but the tentacles are still good. our tank peramaters are good and stable and weve had him for about a year pretty much trouble free. i guess what im asking is,when should we pull the plug on him can they recover from an injury like that or is it to late. we have 2 clowns who are devestared already and a scooter blenny who might be affected if he dies. Oh and a hammer coral. how bad do they look in the last days before death?
Thanks in advance for any advice!!!!!!
If the Anemones foot is injured,then it's a pretty much done deal for the nem.They just don't survive an injured foot.
If it's coming apart,get it out the tank,like right now.
I've seen it happen at the LFS.
Since we don't have room to run sumps on all our tanks,the heaters have to be placed inside of em.Even when we try to cover the heaters with some rock,every so often an anemone will attach itself into the opening where the heater is.