Green mandarin

Hi, I have one in my 58litre nano tank. From the first instance it ate frozen brineshrimp quite happily. I would add some copepods into the tank though periodically just to top it up. I do it when the fish are sleeping so they don't munch them straight away.
If you get a mandarin that eats frozen food, it will be fine. When you buy it, ask the person at the store to feed it. If it eats, you're good to go. I wouldn't buy a mandarin that didn't eat frozen food for your tank.
80 gallon and 60lbs is plenty but your tank has to be stocked with copepods first. You can check - when you have your main display lights off - you should see little specks climbing on the rock. I agree with Bifferwwine - you should try to buy one that eats frozen foods. I have one in a 110 gallon (over 100lbs of rock) and despite planning for it for months with copepods literally jumping off the LR - mine depleted the copepod population in no time. I really think you need to train or buy one that eats frozen foods. i had mine for about 8 months now and he even eats NLS pellets!