

Reefing newb
Hello all,

To start with I have a 72" long 125 gal sw that I am building and using as a dividing wall. It will have alittle of everything in it. For my lighting I am wanting to use 3 or 4 250MH.

Now the question.

Can I use a metal house rain gutter lined with reflective mylar as a housing for these light or will they get to hot for the thin aluminum that the gutters are made of? and of course I will be running fans to try to keep the temp down.

I would say if you are going to do a DIY light set up you build a wooden canopy a simple one would do fine and you can get wood cheap from someplace like Home Depot. Then what I did was I used a round heating duct pipe for my reflector. They are easy to polish up. If you need more info let me know.
Well lets put it this way I am running 2 250s on my 55 so I would say go with 4! In my opinion there is no such thing as to much light as long as you can deal with the heat.
3 is plenty ... the manufacturers recommend 2 halide for every 2' of tank. a 6' tank only needs 3 halides. i run 3 250w halides on my SPS dominated 125.