Have a homeless coral banded shrimp


Reefing newb
Ok one of the first things that went in my tank after the cycle was a coral banded shrimp.....After I found out that they will mess with other shrimp and are somewhat aggressive....so Yesterday I spent the day knocking rock over and spilling water trying to catch him cause I got some peppermint shrimp and some more snails and crabs and a clown fish......Now I threw him down in my fuge, will he be ok there??? or should I try and find a new home for him.....I have some rock and some cheato in there....will he defeat the purpose of the fuge or can he live out his life there......also he is limited on food so what should I feed him .......I learned a lesson though always study up on what’s going in the tank so you don’t have to evict anyone
he will be fine in the fuge and he will be able to get any foor that ends up going through the fuge from the tank
good I feel bad for kicking him out but I want a peprmint and a cleaner and cant with him holding the tank hostage
I have a pair in my tank and they don't seem to cause any problems. Why you being so mean to the poor little fellow? :mrgreen: