Hello Everyone!


Reefing newb
Well, after years of dreaming and reading books, I finally got a tank.

Ideally I wanted to start from the ground up, but recently I fell into an incredible deal, and bought a preexisting tank.

So while I wildly refresh myself on how to maintain a tank to keep up the integrity of the tank, I will have PLENTY of questions for you guys! The pages of my copy of "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist" are worn, and my eyes ache from researching the internet.
Welcome to the site,were happy you joined us.
Like David said,any time you've got a question be sure to post it.Somebody will have the answers you need.
Welcome. There are a lot of smart tank owners on this site to answer all of your questions. (I'm not one of them!!! lol)
Hi Bobgovers. :wave:
You should post your own thread under introduce yourself "new thread"
That way you can get all the glory!
BTW Welcome!