Help! 12 Gallon Tank Lighting.


Reefing newb
I have a 12 gallon tank with a clownfish and a firetail and I would like to start incorporating some corals to my tank. I need to know what kind of lights would be necessary in order to do this. I dont really want to spend alot of money and was wondering if I could use one of the cheap bulbs and if so, what which one would I choose. Thanks.
Sorry, but cheap bulbs generally don't grow nice corals. There are less expensive and more expensive alternatives, but you're still looking at a minimum of about a $50 investment. Odyssea has some nice fixtures with decent stock bulbs for reasonable prices. And you can upgrade the bulbs at your convenience if you prefer different lighting accents or spectrums.
+1 Samhain
Lighting a twelve gallon shouldn't be too expensive. Just do your research on what kind of corals are compatible with the lights you do end up getting. Good luck!
For just over a $100 you can buy a par38 led bulb from ecoxotic. It'll fit in any standard lightbulb fixture and be a hundred times better than anything else you can get for that size tank, for the money. Check out premiumaquatics or marinedepot, they carry them.
For just over a $100 you can buy a par38 led bulb from ecoxotic. It'll fit in any standard lightbulb fixture and be a hundred times better than anything else you can get for that size tank, for the money. Check out premiumaquatics or marinedepot, they carry them.

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