Help! Anthias question


Reefing newb
I purchased an adult pink square anthias 5 days ago. He continously hides under a rock only coming out once a day that I see for a couple of minutes, wether the lights are on or off. I have not seen him eat yet. How long is he going to make it with not eating? Is there anyhting I can do to acclimate him to the tank better?
fish are known to go atleast a week in some cases without venturing out into the tank because they need to get used to their new surroundings but with anthias they cant go long without eating because their metabolism is so fast, but if he is hungry he is eating something
Thanks for the info. I will try the garlic thing tonight. I am already feeding mysis and he swims right by them. Wont eat brine shrimp,reef plus, or reef greens. He pretty much wants nothing to do with what is in my freezer. hopefully the garlic thing will work.
Thanks again
Another thing you might try if the garlic dont work is rotifers or cyclops.Since anthias are naturally plankton feeders,it may take something small to get him feeding.
It can be difficult to get some anthias to eat.Like Yote mentioned,they are natural zooplankton eaters.It took awhile to get my anthias to accept anything much larger than cyclopeeze(except the bartletts and lyretail).Try cyclopeeze or if you can find it,baby mysis shrimp.Often people use a quarantine tank,treat them for worms and start them off with live brine(vitamin enhanced withe selcon)then ween them off to frozen cyclops and mysis.