Help ID Before I add


Reefing newb
Thanks for taking the time to look, the little dark green bubble, what is it???? And what is it attatched to??



one more shot
that looks like saliors eyes. it is an bubble alage. take it off try not to break it open. i do not know the real name for it or the top of my head.
Thanks all, I did remove it, but popped it in the process :( found another bubble on one of the dusters as well, was able to remove it with out popping it. Spent over 4 hrs getting the new corals in the tank, man the time flys when I'm doing things with the tank! Only one coral that I am not sure for ID, will try to look it up later and see what it likes the best, it is the only one that has not opened up yet, the rest seem to be doing fine.
to prevent popping it in the future I find it best to pivot it back and fourth ever so slightly to break it away from the spot where its anchored to the rock
Bubble coral is best removed in conjunction with a water change. Insert drain hose completely over and around bubble and break it loose. If any bubbles are broken the shells and spores are sucked out with the water. Just clean hose and bucket with bleach water and air dry before reuse. I always seem to find ways to replace water in tanks. Whether cleaning out algae, detritus or nitrates water changes are cheap, easy and safe.
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I was lucky enough to spot the bubbles before placing the corals, when I broke the first bubble I simply removed that branch of the coral and carried on. The other bubble I was able to remove with no trouble at all.