Hi I'm Terry


Reefing newb
I am an elementary school teacher hoping to introduce a living reef to my classroom. I have experience with saltwater fish, however that was several years ago.
Anything that can be offered, where to find supplies, size of tank, educational resources, etc. would be greatly appreciated. If this is not such a great idea, I would also like to here that.

Hi Terry,

I am Michelle, I am an elementary school teacher too. I think it's wonderful that you want to bring this to life in your classroom. My only concern for you would be, who's going to take care of the tank when school is closed (like on holidays) and especially in the summer. With evaporation risks, you cannot leave the tank unattended for too many days without the salinity rising. Do you plan to do a fish only, or reef tank? Fish only would be easier, b/c then in the summer you could transport them to a tank in your home for the time being. Good luck with everything!
Welcome aboard Terry.
A reef tank in the classroom is an awesome way to teach kids.
If your planning a larger tank,check with your school to see and see if your purchases would be tax free.Some schools will actually for the tank to be set as well as maintained.We've done several that way at our local schools through the LFS.
If they wont foot the bill.Then check to see if the custodians will be working through the summer.If they are,then you can still get inside to care for tank.
sounds like a great idea,what age kids will be helping? i know i use my tank to help teach my daughter who is 3 now to count the fish and tell me their names as well as what the animal are in the tank,i dont however let her help feed yet