

Reefing newb
Hello, I just started my tank yesterday so any advice would be GREATLY APPRECIATED. I bought a 30 gal tank from a friend with the intent of doing a marine setup. I have been reading a few books and talking to the guy who takes care of the tanks at my work. He even gave me a coffee can full of "grunge" to help get it started.I got it from him yesterday I also mixed my water yesterday. This morning I put the grunge in the tank and it appears that there was a stowaway there was a very small star climbing up the glass I think it is a brittle star,when I find him again I will try to get a pic. My kids want to name it Patrick for some odd reason,lol. I tested the water today as well to get a baseline and there was no ammonia,nitrate or nitrite and the Ph was 8.2 and the salinity is 1.022 . Anyway that is what I have going at the moment.
Welcome to the site.
The best tip anybody can ever give you with this hobby,Is patience.Only bad things happen fast when it comes to saltwater.
Feel free to post any questions you have.
id give your tank a few more days of testing before determining if youll have a cycle or not. and as for naming the starfish patrick, its because in spongebob the character patrick is a starfish
Welcome to the forum, and the hobby. if it is the type of stars i am thinking about you will soon probably have too many to name. they come in all kinds of liverock and are really good filter feeders.