High Magnesium


Reefing newb
So my new SW tank has been running for 3 weeks. I have live sand, live rock, protien skimmer, 13 watt uv light, and enough water flow, and mushrooms, polyps, on my rock. I also have a refugium with sand live rock and calerpa on it. So anyway I initially had a phosphate problem and got that back down to .25. noww my magnesium is through the roof and my calcium is at 300 which i will need to dose for. Does anyone know what woud cause my Magn. to be so high? I use oceanpure pro salt and a R/O system to make my water and I know im not using too much salt cuase my salinity is .022. Anyone have any ideas as to what could be the problem?? and what I should do to correct it?
If your tank has been up and running for three weeks then it`s probably cycling right now. If that`s the case then alot of your parameters are all messed up. until your cycle is done only worry about ammonia, nitrites and nitrates.
Exactly how high is your magneisum?
Are you adding any suppliments to the tank,and if so,what?
If your not adding anything,then test you next batch of water before doing your water change.So salts are high in magnesium.
Something else I just noticed in your post.
Your corals and inverts will be a lot happier if you'll bring your salinity on up to 1.025 to 1.026.
Exactly how high is your mag and what brand test kit are you using?
OceanPure salt runs about 1320 mag for a freshly made mix at 35 ppt (1.026). Are you dosing anything at all?
Buy a refractometer. Hydrometers are notoriously inaccurate.

Reef Aquarium Water Parameters
well with my other tank I always brought my water into the LFS every 2-3 weeks and tested Magn. CAlcium. So this last time i brought it in and the guy tested it and told me my Mag. was through the roof. so asked him if it was like 1500 or like 1600 or what and he just said its off the chart. Im going to do a water change and then go test it again. i hate dealling with those test kits so thats why i just go have the LFS test it.
I actually enjoy running my tests.Gives me an excuse to mess my tank and not the honey-do-list:D
Plus,its a good idea to run the tests yourself.That way you know exactly what your tank is doing.However,I do like to have somebody else run a few tests also,to double check my results.
nothing wrong with 1500-1600 mag IMHO. Not gonna kill anything except maybe some algae. I think cccapts right about oceanpure pro, their mag levels are right in the norm. Did you shake up the bucket before mixing the salt and water? Sometimes the minerals might separate if the bucket's been sitting for a while.
I did.. we'll see what happens with the water change. Thats probably the only thing that can bring my magnesium down. and then ill test again.