High phosphates


Reefing newb
I know everyone is going to go off on me lol but I recently tested my 180 fowlr for phosphates and it was 10 ppm+ lol. My question is is it harmful to fish? I know it makes algae grow like crazy. My perimeters are:
pH: 8.3
Sg: 1.021
I am adding a phosban reactor tomorrow I was just curious.
As far as i know, its not harmful to fish. And you know you have a problem, and you are addressing it, so no one has any reason to be mad at you.
Your fish should be ok...try cutting back on feeding, and if you feed flakes or pellets, I'd stop because they're fueling the phosphates.
alright thanks you guys. It was the first time i checked my phosphates for my fowlr so when i saw the results i was shocked to say the least. btw little fish love the hitchhikers reference on your tag or whatever lol
Be aware that phosphates will make algae grow like crazy !! Although they will not hurt fish, you need to get phosphates down fast before your tank turns into an algae farm.

Also, corals can actually tolerate small amounts of nitrates but phosphates are even worse. Many stony corals will start dying at 0.25 ppm phosphates.