I got some reasonably clear pics..newbie tank


Reefing newb
Some of the stuff is close enough to the glass where my camera will focus on it in macro mode so the pics come out fairly well..some mini feather dusters..all I can muster..
I got pictures of my six spot sleeper gobi that came out well thru the glass. Best I got:)


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I have bad new to report on Happy. My six dot sleeper gobi. My girlfriend begged for a chocolate chip star( I know not reef safe but I don' thave reef yet) and a few days later Happy turned up missing and the start had a gigantic bowel movment. Well..seems he ate him. A few LFS people were not suprised, my main LFS guy was fairlys uprised. The CC star was about 4" and the gobi was a good 3". What ever the ultimate chain of events that led the start to devour him we did remove the star. The LFS guy was good enough to give us a 15$ store credit(on an 18$ star). We replaced him with a 4" Tiger watchman Gobi which we've yet to get a clear picture of but he is very pretty.

The day after Happy died one of my two PJ cardinals got sucked up into the power head..sigh.well 12$ down the drain there..I'm going to get to get the other cardinal a partner.

MY LFS guy is super cool. When I switched over my system to Algae scrubber I had to basicly take off line my HOB and I was expecting a nitrite spike..of course I got a little one. .25 one day .5 the next..did a water change and so I had a 4 day nitrite spike and now its back down to zero. He gave me a big chunk of old filter floss he was pulling out resee my pop population which I am VERY pleased to see a rapid volume increase in amph pods. The scrubber seems to be doing a terrific job of keeping them breeding in great quantity. Keep in mind my tank is only about 1.5 months old. which from my reading is pretty well ahead of most maturity curves.

I also added a 1/2" yellow tail damsel. As ,my own personal experience. I'll be keeping a close eye on him to see if he becomes agressive but so far he's content.

1.5mo tank
4" tiger watchman gobi
1/2" yellow tail damsel
1" warpaint clown gobi
1 fire fish
1 false clown
1(soon 2) PJ cardinal

Water parameters are dropping down rapidly now with my. My algae scrubber is or 3x recommended size and I have about 2 watts per gallon on the screen 17x10. The ATS system is still maturing but is working pretty good. I realize this is a faster pace than recommended but I seriously test my water ever day to keep track of the scrubbers progress. I DID find however I did keep a small ammount of paticulate filtration inplace other wise my water gets a lil clowdy with the sifters.
In my opinion, that's too many fish too fast - your params are still stabilizing and that's why your fish had trouble.

A choc star can't catch and kill a fish....the fish was probably already dead or dying when the star got to it. it was really generous of the LFS to refund you some money, tho..

The PJ fish probably was dead or dying when it got sucked into the powerhead.

Th algae scrubber will help reduce phosphates and nitrates, but you still need live rock to take care of some of the pollution. It's going to take time for that bacteria in the live rock to mature and help clean your tank. Going too fast is a surefire way to create a chain of events that will cause a tank crash.