I have a very interesting ?


Reefing newb
I was wondering if anyone has ever tried using old antlers as a decoration or cut up for frag bases? My father-in-law has a whole bunch that have been outside for years and well wheathered. I was sitting next to them and got the idea to use them but thought I would ask first.
I dont know that they'd hurt anything.But I wouldnt put em in my tank.
Maybe hang em on the barn door:D or make knife handles out of em.
I am no expert in the matter but one problem that I would have with it would perhaps be the introduction of either foreign bacteria in your tank or foreign chemicals. Antlers are quite porous I'd assume and thus spending time outside would cause the antlers to accumulate strange bacterial spores that I'm sure aren't common in fish tanks which may cause problems. The second thing I could think of would be how antlers would weather in salt water for any long period of time. And I wouldn't even think about laquering them before putting them in the tank either.