I need some 'Pod info


Self Proclaimed Genius
So here's my situation...
I got about 200 lbs of live rock from someone breaking down a tank that had been set up for about 2 years. He had moved it to his garage and the temp was about 89 degrees for 2-3 weeks. some soft corals lived through it along with a shrimpgoby. I set up a 55gl tank for about 2 months with a few damsels and the goby. I could see many 'pods growing, but the damsels seemed to keep the outer surfaces of the rocks picked clean. I upgraded to a 90gl tank that did not include the damsels. the pod population took off. the most abundant type I could see were little crawly guys (a species of Isopod I think). There were also many amphipods visible at night. Every surface in the tank was crawling with one species or another.
About 2 months after the tank was stocked with clowns, a hawkfish, LM blenny and a zebra eel, the 'pod population dropped off to about 1/10th of what it had been. Is a population explosion/dropoff like this normal for a new tank? or are there other factors at work here? I do see the hawkfish pick at the rock every now and then, but it seems not often enough to cause this much of a loss in population.
I wouldn't be too concerned with my number of 'pods, but I just inherited a red scooter blenny and I am somewhat worried about his ability to find food if the population continues to decrease.
Pretty much any fish will eat pods. So yeah, having fish is what dropped the pod population. Unless you have a refugium to consistently replenish the pods in your tank, you may not have enough food to support the scooter blenny (or if he's eating frozen food, that'd be good too).
Most scooters will take to frozen foods pretty quick.Plus pick off the pods it finds on the rock.
And even though you have fish eating them,its natural for the pod population to rise and fall.
My first thought was that it had something to do with the fish eating them, but the only fish that eats them is the hawkfish, the clownfish are large and ignore anything smaller than full grown brine shrimp. Could the 2-1/2"hawkfish really have had that much impact on the pop. this quickly?

I don't mean to be argumentative, I'm just trying to explore the possibilities to see if anything else might have caused the drop-off. if there is a problem I'd like to ID it.

I have heard of bacteria destroying 'pod cultures. Is this something that can happen in a tank or sump?

The scooter does eat brine shrimp or small pieces of mysis, but he is finicky and I don't know if he gets enough that way.
You'd be surprised at just how many pods your fish is actually eatting.Not to mention,the pods eventually start sticking to cover a little more when there actually being looked at as a food source.
I hadnt heard anything about bacteria killing them off.