I screwed up

When I dip new corals.I use 20 drops of Lugols to a 1/2 gallon of water that I've pulled from my tank.I let the coral sit in the solution for about 30 minutes,then place it in the tank.Then the 1/2 gallon with the iodine gets poured down the drain.
What is a good amount of iodine for a coral dip when acclimating your corals?
Also, I heard to much iodine will have your shrimp prematurely molt and shorten their lifespan.

They sell two types of iodine.

One is use for dosing the tank.I'm a firm believer that water changes is enough to replenish iodine levels.The only time I would consider dosing iodine if I had a really large refugium with lots and lots of macroalgae.

The other kind is use for coral/fish dipping.It's very similar to the iodine that we use for scraps and cuts.It's use to kill bacterial/fungal infections like the Kent Lugol's Yote mention.

Don't confuse the two and start dosing the tank with the wrong type.