

Reefing newb
one of my clownfish has been in the corner for two days.. i fed an emerald entree protein cube and the entire tank ate to the point of bloating.. the next day the clown was in the corner with what looks like a piece of algae sticking out of its anal orafice... its been there since and has not "passed" the algae yet. it doesnt seem to be too out of it but it swims within the same 5 cubic inches or so... any idea what could be going on? im assuming a bowel impaction but if thats the case what can i do?
So basically the clown is constipated? Usual questions...water parameters, how long have you had the clown, is anyone bullying him? If it were white stringy poop, it would more be like a parasite.
as of today the clown is swimming around the tank again and the "obstruction" appears to be gone... but to answer the questions above..
ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate <5 ; had him just over a month; no bullying, hes the clown who i expect to turn female because he/she is way more dominant
and the poo wasnt white and stringy it was stuck half way out and green like hair algae...
looks like hes doin alot better today but ill see if he eats later this evening.. he wasnt eating when id feed the other fish.