

Reefing newb
Hi! I am MikalaLeilani. I am from Hawaii but live in Florida. I have had an aquarium since April 1999. A military neighbor moved and just gave it to me. Boy, I had NO idea what I was in for. It was a 10gal aquarium with some live rock and live sand and the Maroon Clown. The clown is still around, Goldene, however, he looks as if he has a beat up face. I cannot tell if his nostrils are inflamed or what. He is also just swimming in a little corner of the aquarium. He has killed everything in the tank except a Wrasse. Does anyone know what is wrong with him?
Hello and welcome to the site...glad to have you aboard. Maroons are mean as heck, which is why it killed everything...he is also probably staying/hosting that one spot cause that's in their nature. As far as the damaged face, it may have come from fighting another fish, or even possibly a stray electrical current.
Welcome to the site! +1 pics of it? I hope it's not a fungus. Is it white? Or just looks swollen. Pics would help if you have it.
I'm guessing there were issues because you have one of the meanest clowns, plus at least a wrasse in a 10 gallon aquarium. Clowns tend to 'host' something in an aquarium and tend to hang out very close to that spot most of the time, which is what your clowns behavior sounds like