Introducing a metal halide


Reefing newb
I am about a week away from ordering a metal halide for my 75 gallon. Was wondering how I should introduce a much stronger light (than my T5) to the tank. Should I only leave it on for a few hours every day, extending the on time an hour every day for a week or is there a better method? Also, I am planning on hanging the light, at least for now til I can put my canopy back over the tank when I get the sump in place and the skimmer is off the tank. I have read that a MH can make the water even warmer and I would want to hang it a couple inches above the tank. This is your typical 75 gallon, 19" from top to sandbed. How high above the top should I hang it?
I believe standard is 8 inches from the water surface. I wouldn't increase an hour a day, maybe an hour a week, starting with 2-3 hours, increasing to your normal 6-8 hour.
When I went from power compacts to halide I started at 3 hours a day and added a hour each day. Had perfect results. Just keep an eye on the coral; they will tell you everything.