Is it ok to have two Ocellaris clowns together?


Reefing newb
I hope so. That's what I got yesterday. One sales clerk at the LFS helped me pick them out and never mentioned any problems, but when I was checking out, the owner said to watch them for any problems. He said that sometimes one will pick on the other one. The only other fish I have is a Cardinal who seems pretty laid back. I see tanks all the time with 2 clownfish and they seem ok. These two little guys are tank raised and really little. They are so cute. I love them. So far I have seen them chase each other a little and a little nipping, but nothing to worry about. Whatcha think?
Since they are the same species they should be ok. A little chasing and fin nipping is normal until they pair up.
yeah thats why im not getting a second one because i dint want to go through the trouble of making another tank for the babys