Is it ok to transfer fish?


Reefing newb
Ok so I have two clowns, six line, wheeler goby and pistol shrimp in my biocube I've been cycling my 55g for two months and has been done cycling for awhile now. was wondering if I could transfer my fish over to the 55 even tho I don't have my light fixture right now ( I would just leave my corals in my bio cube untill I get my t5 fixture for the 55g???
Moving the rock into the new tank is likely a good idea. At least some of it (the stuff that doesn't have coral attached since you don't have lights yet). As long as it goes right from one tank to another and the parameters are fairly close to the same you shouldn't see a cycle.

Besides, getting some of the rock out of the 29g will do worlds to help you catch the fish. It's probably not going to be easy to catch the six-line.
Moving the rock into the new tank is likely a good idea. At least some of it (the stuff that doesn't have coral attached since you don't have lights yet). As long as it goes right from one tank to another and the parameters are fairly close to the same you shouldn't see a cycle.

Besides, getting some of the rock out of the 29g will do worlds to help you catch the fish. It's probably not going to be easy to catch the six-line.

Haha ya I figured it was going to be a pain in the ass to catch the six line.. My plan is to get all of the LR transferred over first and just leave the rock with the coral attached to it so hopefully the fish have no where to run and hide lol this should be interesting I'll post pics once the transfer is complete wish me luck!!
That is a good idea. Transferring the rock first will allow for a stronger biological filter for when you put the fish in. You should be in good shape doing that. It will be much easier to catch your fish if there's only a little rock for them to hide behind.