Is my Leather dying


Reefing newb
I just received a Leather coral. The main coral has stopped coming out. It has developed a waxy shine to he top. It still has it shape and does not seem to be withering. Is it dying? Is there any thing i can do? My water quality is testing good.

Also the 2 frags that are in attache dto the same rock but separtated from the base look normal.

Thank you in advance.
Its normal for leathers to shed a layer of skin every few months. Just give it some time. You might see the layer peel off, but its nothing to worry about.
On another note, where should it be placed. I have added another powerhead so I have approx 30x flow. I currently have it 4" from the bottom of the tank dirrectly under my new reef brites. It is in moderate/moderate flow. There are a few spots that have less flow but the also have less direct lighting.

I have a 75G tank.
The Leather is almost completely extended. It took 2 weeks for it to shed. It still has skin coming off the base but the top is looking good.