JC's 30 Gallon


Dude Dude DUDE!!!!!!
well heres the start of my showcase :):^::^::^:

went and got a piece of LR today to start the cycle . got a hitchhiker .....wooooo lol

i knows yall likes pictures lol not much for something to start with




WOAH> PICTURES ARE HUGE.........o.O ...or is that normal?
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looks great! your substrate has some interesting colour. Is that just a starter piece for now? Your tank should ideally have 35ish lbs of live rock in it. Although that one piece you got is pretty neat looking
If you're using photobucket for your pics, you can resize them. I use 640x480. Seems to be the norm.

well if the mods don't mind *slips biffy 20$ not to mind *cough cough**

then ill keep them that size

i actually was surprised how good a quality the pic was

considering i used my phones camera

Droid X FTW ^_^:mrgreen:
looks great! your substrate has some interesting colour. Is that just a starter piece for now? Your tank should ideally have 35ish lbs of live rock in it. Although that one piece you got is pretty neat looking

yes that is just a starter i have my old LR from my old setup at my old place ( well now its just base rock) but i plan on getting it and seeding it with this piece

as for the substrate i agree believe it or not when i bought it it looked black and thats why i got it but ehh i like this color its ....different lol
We've got a couple of tanks at the LFS that has basically the same substrate in em.It'll really show off the colors of your fish and corals.The only downside that I can see,is the tank looks darker.
Happy to see you getting going again Jce.The tanks looking great.
well swung by my old place and picked up my old live rock aka base rock >.> lol my step dad but it around one of our trees so its dirty

anyway im actually suprised that it still has color after almost 2 years of not beign in a tank .......im cleaning it now ..... hot water dips soaking and dipping to get all that crap out

but look at the pretty colors :shock: lol




ooohhh almost forgot my n00b question lol

when i puit the rock in prob tomorrow after its clean

will the "base rock" restart the cycle or extend it in any way?

and yote yeah i know it looks darker unfortunately i cant afford a new light fixture atm (takin donations :D) just regular old pc lighting with a whooping amazing 20 whole watts lol man i think i could keep an anemone under that what do yall think ......lol

* please dont think i was serious with the whole anemone thing lol
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Might have some fire ants in it.:mrgreen:

I figured you'd hang 250 watts of metal halides over that Jce.:D

not a bad idead lol would need a turbo powered ATO unit to be able to handle how fast them lights would evaporate the water thought:mrgreen:
and the rocks have been introduced DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ok now i know thats too big even for me .....*sigh i tried to resize with photobket but kept giving me this size .....help
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insomniatic nights how i hate thee

anyway was bored and of course staring at the blank fish tank i decided to move around ...

Might have some fire ants in it.:mrgreen:

I figured you'd hang 250 watts of metal halides over that Jce.:D

Those things are the one thing I DON'T miss about the south. Man did I hate those biting SOB'S.
They tank is looking good by the way.