just started


Reefing newb
Hey so I got a 55 gal hex tank and want to start a reef tank, can I get some help on the basics, how do I get it started, how do I know if the sand and rock that came with the tank is alive, what is my salt measurements supposed to be what's the water temp supposed to be, all general questions but would really appreciate feedback thanks a lot
you will find a lot of useful info here :

New to Reefing

Is the tank you have currently running ? what equipment do you have ? If you are unsure what you have exactly post some pics so we have an idea of what we are working with.

Read up, do a little research , and we can help with what you do not understand.
Welcome aboard! Browse the sections of the forum for "stickies". These threads remain at the top so that they are easily located for reference and contain loads of helpful info for the newcomer. Feel free to ask questions as well.
The sand and rock is only alive if it is still in a running saltwater system. Your bag/bucket of salt should have directions about how much to use. It is usually about half cup per gallon of RODI water. Tap water can cause algae and other issues, so beware. Temp in a reef tank is usually around 77-79. Stability is key.