Kent Products


Reefing newb
Are any of the Kent marine products worth getting? I was at PetSmart today waiting to get crickets for my dragon and was just scanning the shelves and was looking at Kent's selection of additives that you can drop in your tank. My test levels are all in the good range so I don't have a great need to add anything, just wondered if adding something would be beneficial to the corals in the tank.

Tank tests:
75 gallon:
Amm - 0
Nitrates - 0
Nitrites - 0
Ph - 7.8 (Salinity is a little low, guessing why the Ph is a little on the low side)
Sal. - 1.023
Phos. - 0
Calcium - 460
Kh - 9

40 Gallon:
Amm - 0
Nitrates - 0
Nitrites - 0
Ph - 8.0
Sal. - 1.027
Phos. - 0
Calcium - 500
Kh - 8
Don't add anything if your water's perfect. Most additives are just junk. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. The less extra stuff you have, the better. It will also save you $$$.