light question


Reefing newb
i have a 75 gallon i need new light i want T5 ho light was wondering what and how many bulbs ex 4 actinic and 4 power glow are their certain bulbs to promote certain things ? i want to have a nice variety of corals and colors thanks for your help :question
Reeffreak referred me to the Tek elites 6x54 T5s. I got them from the people there are really helpful, and great prices! I love the fixture and bulbs also recommended by reeffreak.
Six bulbs with individual reflectors will allow you to keep anything.

Have a budget in mine?

not really just ill spend what i need to to get what i want to a point though i know i want T5s ho with lonar LED i was thinking 6 total didnt know what type of bulbs 3 actinic 3 ? or what compo would make a nice variety of coralien algea colors ect...
It really depends on what you're going for. I run 8 on mine because I have a lot of SPS corals and a clam that demands high light. You can pretty much keep anything you want with 6x54w t5's.

i probly going for lfs and lps corals and a clam or id like sps to but im gona be setting up a min 180 but want like a 300g depending if i can find room for sps coral in the future
Sure,the more light the better but the Novas will work fine.

Tek Elites and ATI Powermodules comes in 8 bulb fixtures,btw.

are the tek elites or ati better then nova extreme pro ? the only thing i dodnt like is nova doesnt make a 6x54 with led lunar lights
Lunar lights are cheap and easy to add on your own. They are sold separately for that reason. They also don't contribute anything to the tank except to make it more visually pleasing, so that shouldn't be a factor when choosing lights.
with the diffrent lights i can get when people say the Korallen Zucht Fiji Purple promotes red purple pink ect.. does that only promote it if those colors are already in your tank or does it promote the colors will grow on your live rock or wherever ?
with the diffrent lights i can get when people say the Korallen Zucht Fiji Purple promotes red purple pink ect.. does that only promote it if those colors are already in your tank or does it promote the colors will grow on your live rock or wherever ?

It will only help to promote those colors if they're supposed to be in that particular coral or coralline algae, etc. It will not just make a red, pink, purple color show up in something that was not intended to have that color.
It will only help to promote those colors if they're supposed to be in that particular coral or coralline algae, etc. It will not just make a red, pink, purple color show up in something that was not intended to have that color.

so if i want red purple pink green coralline algae i have to get a light that promotes those colors ?
so if i want red purple pink green coralline algae i have to get a light that promotes those colors ?

No, those bulbs wont make coralline a certain color. If the coral or whatever is supposed to be red and pink then the light will help to make those colors more vivid. If the coral is blue then those lights don't do too much to promote that. Get it?
No, those bulbs wont make coralline a certain color. If the coral or whatever is supposed to be red and pink then the light will help to make those colors more vivid. If the coral is blue then those lights don't do too much to promote that. Get it?

gotcha thanks man
are the tek elites or ati better then nova extreme pro ? the only thing i dodnt like is nova doesnt make a 6x54 with led lunar lights

Better reflectors on the Tek and ATI but neither has LED .Don't let that persuave because LED moonlights aren't really needed and they are cheap if you still want to add them to your system.There is an Aqualife 6 bulbs/IR with moonlights out there.

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